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Joe and Irwin: A New Lease on Life

For seven and a half years, Deirdre Jordan and her family anxiously awaited a call from Autism Assistance Dogs Ireland. It was a long journey, but the day they learned Irwin would be joining their family marked the beginning of a remarkable transformation.

“Life before that phone call was hard,” Deirdre recalls. “Joe, my son, was a constant flight risk. Every moment we were out of the house, I had to hold him tightly or he would just take off. Simple tasks like grocery shopping became nearly impossible—trying to hold onto Joe, steer the trolley, pack the bags, lock the car… I just didn’t have enough hands.”

Then came Irwin, and everything changed. “Since Irwin came into our lives, Joe’s world has been completely transformed. Now, I can attach Joe to Irwin with a strap around myself. It’s less about physically holding on, and more about the fact that Joe doesn’t want to run anymore. His focus is on Irwin—he’s more concerned about what Irwin needs.”

Before Irwin, Joe struggled with transitions—especially when it was time to leave a fun activity. “If we were out on a walk or at a nice place, Joe never wanted to turn around and head home because it meant the fun was over,” Deirdre explains. “Now, he happily turns around because Irwin needs a rest or some water. Joe’s desire to care for Irwin, to put Irwin’s needs before his own, is simply phenomenal.”

Irwin’s presence has not only changed Joe’s behavior but has also brought a sense of peace to the entire household.

The whole family has felt the effect of Irwin. We can all breathe again and life is just more relaxed. Autism Assistance Dogs Ireland may be a small charity, but their impact is enormous. Their dogs don’t just change the life of one child—they transform the lives of entire families. We see the changes in Joe, and we feel the difference every day. I wish this gift for any family like mine.

Deidre, Joe’s mum