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Assistance Dogs

Assistance dogs are trained to the highest international standards to provide safety to children in public places.

Every family’s story is different.

Every autistic child is different.

Every Autism Assistance Dog changes the world for autistic children.


The primary focus of Assistance Dogs is to prevent their child companion from running into danger when they are out and about.

Attached via a belt to the child, these dogs listen and respond to the commands of the guardian/handler.

As the partnership between the child and Assistance Dog develops, our research shows that these special dogs can:

The waiting list is opening soon in 2025!

From February 11-23, our interest form will open. The interest form will be available on our homepage:

After submitting the form, you will receive an email to attend ONE of two webinar dates: 25th February 11AM or 27th February 2:30PM.

The Application Process will begin in March. Only those who attend the webinar will be given the link and credentials to apply.

Eligibility for an Assistance Dog

All applications are assessed for suitability and given special training to ensure that the partnership with an Assistance Dog is a success and has a positive lasting impact for everyone.

Assistance Dogs are trained from 8 weeks of age and it can take up to 2 years for them to reach the high standard required.

Our application process opens annually and we hope to take approximately 35 families onto our waiting list each year. 

We have an extensive eligibility criteria which is reviewed and altered regularly, but the main requirements are:

“We always had to divide the family. Then Piper came, and it was a complete and utter game changer. We could do things as a family. We just go wherever we want. These Assistance Dogs are superheroes.”

Mark Gilsenan, Daniel’s Dad