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Make a gift in your will

Will you consider leaving a gift in your will to Autism Assistance Dogs Ireland enabling us to continue to change the world for children with autism?

Why choose Legacy Giving with AADI?


Every donation helps us train more assistance dogs, who go on to transform the lives of families. Each dog requires two years and €25,000 to fully train. Your support helps make this life-changing service possible for more families.

Leave a Legacy

A legacy gift is a powerful way to ensure your values live on. By including AADI in your will, you create a lasting impact and demonstrate your commitment to meaningful social change.

Tax Efficiency

Legacy gifts can also help reduce the inheritance tax burden on your estate, making them a tax-efficient way to support a cause you care about.


Including a gift to AADI in your will is one of the simplest and most meaningful ways to support our work. A bequest ensures that your legacy continues to make a difference in the lives of those who need it most.

Life Insurance Policies

Consider nominating AADI as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy. This allows you to make a substantial future gift, ensuring your support continues long into the future.

Retirement Plan Assets

Designating AADI as a beneficiary of your retirement plan assets not only supports our mission but can also provide significant tax advantages for your estate. It’s a win-win way to maximize the impact of your generosity.

When we got Dougal, I knew things would change, there was light at the end of the tunnel. Anna has a complete lack of awareness of safety. She has no sense of what is safe and what is not. Having Dougal now enabled us to go out as a family. Just walk down the street. Having Dougal is an absolute gift and our family doesn’t take him for granted for one minute. If you walked in my shoes for one day, you would see what it was like and what a difference Dougal has made. I wish the same for any family with a child who needs a dog.

— Tina Gill, mother of Anna

Ethical Standards and Donor Intent

At AADI, we are deeply committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in the promotion and management of legacy gifts. We ensure that all legacy donations are handled with transparency, accountability, and respect for the donor’s wishes.

  • Honoring Donor Intent: Every legacy gift is used in accordance with the donor’s specified wishes.
  • Unrestricted Gifts: These are allocated to areas of greatest need, ensuring maximum impact across our operations.

We respect our donors’ preferences when it comes to recognition and confidentiality. Legacy donors will be acknowledged in a way that aligns with their personal privacy choices, whether they seek public recognition or wish to remain anonymous.


Legal Compliance & Stewardship


Our legacy giving program strictly adheres to all relevant laws and regulations. To ensure ethical management of legacy gifts, we seek professional legal and financial advice when needed.

  • Stewardship Commitment: We provide timely acknowledgments, keep donors informed about the impact of their gifts, and maintain ongoing communication with their families where appropriate.


Partner With Us

We work closely with solicitors and other legal professionals to assist their clients in integrating philanthropic giving into estate plans. By introducing clients to AADI, solicitors can help create a lasting legacy that profoundly impacts autistic children.

  • Legal Partnerships: We partner with legal and financial advisors to streamline the legacy giving process and ensure all gifts are managed in line with best practices.

Contact Us

To learn more about how you can make a difference through legacy giving, please contact us at 021 235 7107 or email